IN Places city guide. Apka wraz z dedykowaną stroną internetową
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Barcelona / Berlin / Paris / Rome / Warsaw
A city is made by people, local communities who have been a part of its history due to family roots, or just one day decided to settle down in their place on earth since it gave them space for freedom and creativity, space for living their life.
A city draws people from all over the world who come with their own life experience, cultural background or taste. Hence, the city becomes a witness of unusual collaboration which not infrequently ends up in arising new places on the city map.
experience the modern city
There is nothing more exciting and inspiring than a city life. That is why, IN Places city guide wants to experience the energy of a modern city to share with you all discoveries, but also to save from oblivion places-institutions which still play important roles in the urban culture.
local stories
IN Places guides you to exceptional city spaces calling them “stories”. It is a must to become familiar with them if you want to feel the soul of the city, its history or modern trends.
jump IN, we take you to all places worth visiting …